IHCantabria has participated in the Steering Committee Meeting of PORTOS Project, which took place in Vigo (Spain) on the 3rd and 4th of February 2020 at the Port of Vigo.
Javier López Lara, Beatriz Rodríguez Fernández and María Fuentes Álvarez de Eulate from the Coastal Hydrodynamics and Infrastructures Research Group of IHCantabria, as well as Patricia Bueno Soria from the “European Projects Management Unit” of this institution, have attended the TM and have presented the update on the development of the ongoing actions within the work packages that IHCantabria coordinates regarding numerical modelling of wind resource and physical modeling of potential energy harvesting technologies (waves, wind, tidal-current and solar).

Within this first day, also a boat visit to the Port of Vigo was organized by the Port Authority in order to show the port’s activities and its surroundings which was of great relevance to the project.
During the second day of the TM, a seminar on Marine Renewable Energies took place whereby stakeholders of the MRE sector in Europe presented the state of the art, progress and innovation developments concerning the different MRE technologies.

PORTOS project is co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund and is formed by a group of 12 AA European partners (Universidade do Porto, Universidad of Santiago de Compostela, Ecole D´Ingenieurs En Genie Des Systemes Industriels, Universidad de Oviedo, University of Plymouth, Instituto de Ciencia e Inovaçao em Engenharia Mecanica e Engenharia Industrial, Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria, Administaçao dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S. A., Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo, INNOSEA, University College of Cork, and Shannon Foynes Port Company).
The main objective of this project is to develop and promote the implementation of renewable energy (RE), especially marine renewable energies (MRE) such as wave, tidal and wind energy, at Atlantic Area (AA) ports. Moreover, PORTOS aims to increase energy efficiency at ports, establishing a roadmap towards a more competitive and sustainable sector, mitigating climate change. PORTOS will also improve the competitiveness of the AA region in the MRE market through the development, implementation and transfer of technologies and decision support tools. Three representative AA ports will be used as case studies and two others for testing the project results, which can be extrapolated to other ports.

Read more at www.ihcantabria.com