PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

University of Plymouth
Partner skills
UoP has a forte in Marine Renewable Energy (marine renewable energy), with a strong track record in European projects. UoP’s expertise is most relevant regarding the resource assessment and economics of marine renewable energy, areas in which its it has been very active as proven by its publications and projects with the industry.
Transnational experience
UoP has extensive experience in managing European projects as since 2013 it has been awarded 60 EU projects including 6 Interreg. By virtue of its project managing experience, the UoP’s Finance Office will support the project and the researchers in administrative and financial issues.
Role in the project
Project partner responsible for WP7. UoP will coordinate WP7 contributing its expertise to ensure that the power production and relevant costs, such as construction, adaptation, maintenance and operation costs as well as socio-economic and environmental impacts will be assessed properly.
Contact person
David Simmonds
+44 1752 586148
Reynolds Building, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, Plymouth, United Kingdom