PORTOS PROJECT is giving you the opportunity to test your renewable energy devive or technology in some of Europe´s most advanced state of the art test facilities.
Do you have a device or novel idea that has the capacity to harvest energy from the wind, wave, tide or sun?
This is an opportunity to test your device or technology at one of the following test facilities:
- Universidade do Porto – Portugal – multidirectional wave basin;
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela – Spain – wave/current flume;
- Ecole d’Ingenieurs en Genie des Systemes Industriels – France – technical assessment of novel technologies;
- Universidad de Oviedo – Spain – numerical modelling of novel technologies.

Testing is free.
Maximum test period is two weeks.
This call is open now and testing will be done until February 2023.
For more information, see the documents below.
Please return application forms to nathan.kirwan@ucc.ie.

Wave energy
The capture of energy of wind waves to do useful work

Tidal energy
The form of hydropower that converts energy obtained from tides into useful power

Solar energy
Radiant light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using solar panels

Wind energy
Wind farms constructed in the ocean to harvest energy and generate electricity