PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Organismo Público Puertos del Estado
Organization name in English
Public Organization Ports of the State
Partners skill
OPPE is the government agency responsible for coordinating and monitoring the effectiveness of Spain’s 28 Port Authority, which manages Spain’s 46 largest ports. She has extensive experience in the management, planning and development of the port system.
Transnational experience
OPPE is a regular partner in European-funded research and development projects, both at the helm and in contributing to its development, mainly through its CEF, FEDER, 7PM and INTERREG funding. He regularly participates in an average of 6 European projects per year with this type of transnational collaboration.
Role in the project
OPPE will be a partner that, as a potential user of PORTOS results, will follow up, collaborate and ultimately validate the proposed system to steer ports towards self-sufficiency.
Contact person
José Damián López Maldonado
Avenida Partenón 10, Campo de las Naciones, Madrid, Spain