Each Work Package contains actions with specific and detailed descriptions, deliverables and output results, as well as indicators and expected results.
Work Package 1: Coordination
Start date
End date
36 months
Partner’s involvement
- Partner responsible: Universidade do Porto
- Universidade do Porto
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Ecole D’ingénieurs En Génie Des Systèmes Industriels
- Universidad de Oviedo
- University of Plymouth
- Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial
- Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria
- Administraçao dos Portos do Douro, Leixoes e Viaña do Castelo, SA
- Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo
- University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork
- Shannon Foynes Port Company
About this Work Package
This WP involves the planning, coordination and management of PORTOS activities as well as risk and quality management. It also fosters the communication between the consortium partners and the liaison with the Managing Authority (MA) and the Joint Secretariat (JS). It includes project reports, cost statements and budgetary monitoring.
Actions in Work Package 1
Action 1: Consortium Management
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 03/2022
A Consortium Agreement was prepared. UPORTO established a Bureau comprising staff with scientific, financial administration and secretarial skills. The Steering Committee (SC) appoints the External Advisory Board and also creates and implements tools and practices to ensure that objectives are achieved within time and costs, as well as an efficient communication between partners and the rules and actions to deal with conflicts. The SC meets at least bi-annually, occasionally using web-based technology.
Action 2: Partners Activity Coordination
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 03/2022
This action is to coordinate the partners’ activities. All Work Package leaders report to the SC, allowing this body to evaluate and take decisions on all matters related to the project execution. Coordination meetings are held to monitor progress of each WP and to identify and solve any potential issue at an early stage.
Action 3: Liaison with Atlantic Area MA/JS
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 03/2022
This action involves the liaison with the Atlantic Area MA and JS, dealing with technical developments, position in the project timeline, re-planning of works (when necessary), financial subjects, policy issues and contractual changes, among others.
Action 4: Risk mitigation plan and quality management
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 03/2022
This action covers the risk mitigation plan and quality management. The SC is responsible for the risk analysis and management (at technical and commercial levels) as well as for developing contingency plans. The rules and actions to deal with risks and conflicts are applied based on the principles defined in the Consortium Agreement.
Action 5: Sustainable development implementation
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 03/2022
This action regards sustainable development implementation, through a task force created to support the incorporation of the principles of sustainable development in PORTOS’ decision-making processes and in all planned core activities. It is responsible for the development and implementation of a strategic sustainability plan supported in 4 main subjects: research and development, advanced training, community and society, and harbour activities.