Offshore Wind: Resource Assessment and Technologies
25 – 28 October
Between October 25th and 28th (2021), the course “Offshore Wind: Resource Assessment and Technologies” has taken place at IHCantabria facilities. This course is part of a training program organized within the framework of PORTOS Project, co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (EAPA_784/2018).
The objective of the course was to provide the attendees (1) a basic training on wind dynamics, including the development and modeling of the wind resource, and its characterization in coastal areas, (2) a description of the available wind databases resources, and (3) the characterization of the main wind environmental conditions including technological considerations for its exploitation in ports.
The course program comprised three intensive days. Three wind and offshore engineering specialists from IHCantabria taught the lectures: Melisa Menendez (Associate Profesor), Cesar Vidal (Full Professor) and Adrian Acevedo (Project Engineer). Within the first day of the course, an introduction to wind dynamics and wind climate has been provide, as well as a description of the met-ocean information required for the selection of offshore wind turbines (OWT) and available wind databases. On the second day of the course, a description of the wind modelling including hands-on cases with WRF model was performed. Finally, on the third day of the course, an introduction to OWT, including the fundamentals of its design and the description of offshore wind farms systems was presented.
For this course, 20 attendees coming from different Atlantic Area regions and different sectors (Engineering companies, Universities & Research Centers) have participated.
This course if part of a complete training program organized by PORTOS Project, which include training courses on different topics related to marine renewable energies (MRE), such us:
- “MRE and their integration in ports” (given by University of Porto).
- “Wave energy: resource assessment and technologies” (given by University of Santiago de Compostela).
- “Tidal and in-stream energy: resource assessment and technologies” (given by University of Oviedo).
- “Policies and legal framework on MRE” (given by University of Plymouth).
More information about the upcoming courses can be found in the project website and in our social media.