PORTOS Partners

PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
Organization name in English
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners

Partner skills
FHC is an authority with responsibility for the Inner Harbour at Falmouth including a considerable area of the
Falmouth Bay and the Penryn River. FHC has key expertise in managing marine operations in deep water harbour
areas. Since several years, FHC is engaged in the sustainable development of the port and is involved in the
management of environmental protection areas. FHC has competence in community engagement for decision-making
related to the development of the Harbour.

Transnational experience
FHC has experience in previous Interreg projects such as Sustainable ports. Furthermore, FHC has a collaborative
arrangement with Exeter University supported by companies in the local supply chain to provide a test site for marine
energy converters in Falmouth Bay.

Role in the project
FHC will be an associate partner that, as a potential user of the outcomes of PORTOS, will follow up, collaborate and
validate the proposed system for managing ports towards self-sufficiency.

Contact person
Victoria Spooner
44 Arwenack Street