PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Universidad do Porto
Lead Partner
University of Porto
Partner skills
UPORTO has an important track record of R&D work in the field of coastal and port
engineering and marine renewable energy, involving the use of either its experimental facilities (multidirectional wave basin) or available numerical models. It has been the leader of several EU and INTERREG projects.
Transnational experience
INTERREG Atlantic Area: GeoAtlantic (EAPA-527/2016), HYLANTIC (EAPA-204/2016), NETMAR (2011-1/176), PRESPO (2008-1/038), MARINE (212-MARINE), PROLIT-SP1E194/03. SUDOE: PEMFC SUDOE (SOE1/P1/E0293), STOP_CO2 (SOE1/P3/E0032), FIRE-RS (SOE1/P4/E0437), AGRIVAL (SO2/1.3/E76). INTERREG C: MASCARA (4W0119I).
Role in the project
UPORTO will be the project coordinator. Accordingly, UPORTO will be the main responsible for the project implementation, ensuring coordination and management of the activities. It will also contribute to the project with its expertise in coastal engineering and marine renewable energy.
Contact person
Francisco Taveira Pinto
Colexio de San Xerome, Praza do Obradoiro s/n, 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain