PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Organization name in English
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partner skills
USC, founded in 1495, is one of the most traditional academic institutions in Europe, recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education as one of the top ten Campuses of International Excellence. Its main lines of research are marine energy and coastal hydrodynamics.
Transnational experience
USC participates in approximately 50 research projects under the various programs (H2020, Interreg, Life, etc.) In practical terms, USC participates in the following Interreg programs: SUDOE; POCTEP; ATLANTIC AREA 2014-20: CleanAtlantic, COCKLES, MyCOAST, ALERTOX-NET. 2007-13: ATLANTOX, PHARMATLANTIC
Role in the project
USC will play an important role in the project, and will actively participate throughout the project’s development. Of all those involved, USC will play a key role in characterizing resources through numerical modeling and adapting the EES to the characteristics of the Atlantic Ports.
Contact person
Rodrigo Carballo Sánchez
Escuela Politécnica Superior, C/ Benigno Ledo, Campus Universitario