PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Port of Azores
Port of Azores
Partner skills
PdAzores administrates commercial ports in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, aiming to explore, conserve and
develop the surrounding community. Thanks to its jurisdiction area extended to all the islands of the archipelago, its
turnover and its patrimonial value, PdAzores represents a unique port organization in the South of the AA.
Transnational experience
PdAçores presents significant experience in several national and transnational projects related to port operation
efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions. In this sense, the EU COSTA and GAINN4MoS projects, which aimed to
reduce carbon emissions with the replacement of fossil fuels by Liquid Natural Gas in maritime transport, stand out.
Other examples are the NAUTICON and MACSIMAR, REDAIS and MACAIS, which among others, aimed to improve port
efficiency and sustainability and foment blue growth policies.
Role in the project
PdAzores will be one of the two additional case-study ports considered during the scope of the extension of the
PORTOS project, providing access to data regarding the port and its main facilities. In addition, the unique
characteristics of PdAzores, island-based port located in a pheriferical and isolated archipelago, make PdAzores a
compelling case to assess the challenges and opportunities of these types of ports in their transition towards energetic
sustainability and carbon neutrality. Besides, PdAzores will support PORTOS activities with critical input and insights
and will facilitate the establishment of sustainable port communities.
Contact person
Francisco Bettencourt
Rua Teófilo de Braga n.1