PORTOS Associate Partners

PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Organization name in English

Partner skills
INNOSEA is an independent engineering firm specialized in marine renewable energies (marine renewable energy): offshore wind (fixed/floating), tidal, wave and ocean thermal energy. Offers consultancy services and is a specialized pure-player in marine renewable energy. Competences in geotechnics, hydrodynamics and structural engineering.

Transnational experience
INNOSEA is an active partner of the H2020 LCE project WETFEET (Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology) and is also associated partner of the OCEANET project – an Initial Training Network (ITN), funded under the PEOPLE Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of EU FP7.

Role in the project
INNOSEA is a project partner in charge of the technical analysis and engineering of marine renewable energy solutions for the target ports and of the assessment of techno-economic potential of some renewable resources, i.e., it has the role of an engineering company.

Contact person
Hakim Mouslim
1 rue de la Noë – CS 12102, Nantes, France