PORTOS aims to assess, develop and promote the integrated use of renewable energy resources in Atlantic Area ports and increase their energy efficiency, establishing a roadmap to a more competitive and sustainable sector.

Eco Wave Power
Eco Wave Power
Partner skills
Eco Wave Power (EWP) main expertise lies on developing, installing and managing grid-connected wave energy
plants. Thanks to its business and technical capabilities, EWP is one of the first companies to bring to the market a
patented shore-based wave energy product suitable for installation in ports.
Transnational experience
EWP operates in Gibraltar, Portugal, Israel and Sweden. Has an operational wave power plant in Gibraltar and Tel Aviv.
EWP currently holds a significant projects pipeline of more than 325.7MW worldwide. EWP is seeking to bring its
innovative technology to additional countries that are suitable for wave energy production worldwide, such as AA
countries, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa all of which have large potential for the
implementation of wave energy technologies. EWP recently signed a concession contract with Port of Leixões (APDL)
to initiate an official licensing procedure for an innovative wave energy plan of circa 20 MW of rated power.
Role in the project
EWP will contribute with advisory and technical support from the side of its industrial position, sharing also data and
information on wave energy technologies, company projects and the market. EWP will have a key role in the feasibly
studies for the implementation of advanced energy technologies for facilitating the development of energy
self-sufficient and low-emission ports in the scope of WP8. Their market-driven strategies will allow overcoming the
existing barriers and speeding up the process.
Contact person
Yair Rudick
Rua de Santos Pousada, Nº 157, 4º – Sala 17